<a href=”https://static.ferrovial.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2011/05/13155239/0521.jpg”><img title=”052″ src=”https://static.ferrovial.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2011/05/13155239/0521.jpg” alt=”” width=”540″ height=”361″ /></a>Today is a very special day for us. With Ferrovial’s blog on innovation, transport and cities of the future going live just a few months ago, we are now very happy to announce the launch of this independent blog written exclusively in English: <strong><a title=”Blog on Innovation, Connecting Cities and Intelligent Infrastructure” href=”https://blog.ferrovial.com”>blog.ferrovial.com</a></strong>.
We’ve created this communication space with the intention of sharing knowledge and ideas on the <strong>development of infrastructure</strong> in whatever forms it may take, be it highways, airports or cities. We are passionate about infrastructure that seeks to improve the living standards of its users through technological solutions or services, supported by cutting-edge IT and communication systems, and, most importantly, that which can be delivered in a sustainable manner, not just economically, but also socially and environmentally.
In addition, we’d like this blog to serve as a forum for deeper discussion and analysis of other related issues for citizens of urban environments in the 21<sup>st</sup> century, such as <strong><a title=”What is eco-efficiency?” href=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco-efficiency” target=”_blank”>eco-efficiency</a></strong>, <strong>mobility</strong>, <strong><a title=”Examples of Sustainable Construction” href=”https://www.ferrovial.com/en-us/sustainability/environment//What-We-Do-Airports/Quality-Environment-What-we-do-Airports-Sustainable-construction” target=”_blank”>sustainable construction</a></strong> and <strong>city life</strong>.
In the coming weeks, watch this space for some razor-sharp insight on what we can expect from the next generation of intelligent structures such as bridges and highways; turning what’s left of household waste into clean, useful energy; an analysis of social networks; and new approaches to international development models, among many others.
From this platform we would like to thank all of our contributors for giving readers some fascinating content to ponder and stimulate debate. Special thanks go out to those who’ve taken the plunge and posted the very first articles with which we embarked on this journey.
We hope this blog will continue to grow and benefit from additional expert opinions from around the infrastructure world. So, without further ado, enjoy this space and remember, your feedback is very welcome so please leave comments and take part…
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