The TEDS4BEE project is advancing on schedule. One of the objectives during the initial months was to identify and develop the new functionalities of the EMMOS Digital Service.
The objective of TEDS4BEE, a project led by Ferrovial Servicios, is to implement the EMMOS (Energy Management & Monitoring Operational System) Digital Service software for energy efficiency in buildings in Poland, the UK, Spain, Italy and Serbia. The building types must respond to a range of pre-set models and patterns in order to analyse such aspects as the return and efficiency of investments in reducing energy consumption in a range of building types in different climates. The project was awarded a non-reimbursable grant of 2.15 million euro under the European Commission’s Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). Other participants on this project include FBSerwis, Amey, Madrid Network, Indra, Engineering, Ion Solutions (Serbia), the Technical University of Madrid, Research and Innovation Centre Pro-Akademia, and the University of Limerick, with Ci3 (Center for Intelligent Infrastructure Innovation) acting as technical coordinator.
Development work to date has been focused on facilitating the use of EMMOS in the project environment (different types of buildings in five countries).
Ferrovial Servicios Infrastructure department and Ci3 led the process in which the consortium partners identified potential improvements. Of the 34 initial proposals, 14 potential improvements were shortlisted and implemented by Amey, the technical developer.
Of those, the following are especially noteworthy:
1. Creation of baseline parameters. The software was modified to allow for the creation of monitored points, which also act as a baseline. Those points will be used as benchmarks for comparing future data entered in EMMOS. This will provide an energy savings benchmark during TEDS4BEE and future deployments of EMMOS.
2. Interface for uploading data from BMS/smart meters via FTP. This function makes it possible to send energy data from the equipment to EMMOS semi-automatically via an FTP server, thereby reducing manual data entry and minimising the risk of error. A file for each monitored point of the building is uploaded, the frequency depending on needs, in order to enable the data to be compiled.
3. Interface for the smart meter based on Modbus TCP/IP. This allows users to select additional options during the creation of a smart meter and to choose between the TCP/IP and Modbus RTU TCP/IP protocols. A generic industry-standard interface provides a connection via Modbus.
4. Interface to monitor weather information. Through an online service (worldweatheronline.com), the user has access to information about buildings’ external conditions that can be collected at monitored points. This includes the temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, cloud cover, and visibility.
Other new features included the incorporation of additional countries (apart from the UK and Spain), language corrections in the Spanish/English interface, improvements in drop-down menus, limits on personalised alerts, improvements in reports to increase configuration speeds, transformation of parameters from obligatory to optional, elimination of roles, the link between contract configuration and overwriting dynamic data, exporting contract configuration data, and the possibility of using various alerts simultaneously.
These 14 modifications were implemented in four phases, each of which included design, implementation, integration testing, demos, and formal testing. This method ensures that the implementation of modifications optimises the use of available resources and reduces the risks of non-compliance with the established deadlines.
Following these improvements, the EMMOS functionalities have been expanded, making the energy analysis of infrastructure operated by Ferrovial more intuitive, automatic and comprehensive.
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