ACCEPT, first Ferrovial project funded by the EU within the Horizon 2020 programme
The ACCEPT R&D project, in which Ferrovial Agroman is involved in consortium with technology companies and research centres in Spain, Cyprus, Belgium, United Kingdom, Holland, Italy and Germany, has been selected by the European Commission to be funded by the new European framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon 2020.
ACCEPT is the first project presented to this programme, by a Ferrovial subsidiary, which has secured funding from the European Union for its implementation. This consists of creating a technology platform, using smart glasses, which will minimise errors in implementing construction works, comprehensively improving the energy efficiency of buildings. You can learn more about the project at this link.
This project, which started earlier this year, will last 36 months and has a total budget of 4.5 million euros, financed entirely by the European Commission.
For the development of ACCEPT, Ferrovial Agroman will represent the final users, that is, industrial partners who use the new technology. In this sense, the technical and operational requirements to be met by the developed systems and applications will have to be established, for both the technology companies and the research centres in the consortium. The created products will also be tested in two pilot projects, one in Spain and another in the United Kingdom, to ensure their applicability and usefulness on site. If you think you can help improve the project, you can send your comments via this link.
HORIZON 2020 is the Framework Programme that concentrates most of the research, development and innovation activities in the European Union running from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of almost €80 billion.
The programme is structured into three pillars to address major societal challenges, promote industrial leadership in Europe and strengthen the excellence of its scientific basis.
The programme covers all phases of products and services, from fundamental research to market implementation, focusing on innovation activities, knowledge transfer and standardisation, concept testing and pilots.
The Ferrovial Innovation and Process Division and Ferrovial Agroman, Ferrovial Services, Cintra and Ferrovial Airports Business Units have been working, since the programme was launched, in search of opportunities and in launching proposals that will make it possible to continue providing innovative solutions to improve our processes and our leading position in the market. In this respect, the ACCEPT project is the first success story.
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