The 15 climate change commitments that all companies should consider
20 of August of 2015
The fight against climate change does not just affect the public; companies and institutions should also become aware and apply a green mentality in all their working practices. For that reason, in the same way that we already set out 15 tips to fighting climate change from your home, this time it’s time to go over, and raise awareness of, the commitments that companies should carry out. We are thereby supporting the initiative 1 million commitments to climate, which is being promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, Econes, the Biodiversity Foundation and the Spanish Office for Climate Change (OECC).
- Establish a lighting protocol in accordance with daylight hours. In Spain there are an average of 13 to 15 hours of daylight a day. Make the most of them! Furthermore, if you have an automatic lights-off protocol at the end of the working day you can avoid energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
- Fit light switches in all areas, so that your lighting is efficient, and if there is nobody in a room then the light should be off, and vice versa.
- Use motion and presence detection systems in transit areas, and you will be able to reduce electricity consumption and associated CO2 emissions. We are talking about a reduction of up to 50% compared to those who do not use such systems.
- Install devices to save on water such as water push-buttons or sensors, so that you only use the water that is strictly necessary, and flow is turned off automatically.
- Turn off computer screens and do not put them on standby, because the screen uses between 70% and 80% of the energy used by the computer, even when at rest. If you turn it off while not using it then you will be using it responsibly.
- Use cooling or air conditioning systems that are free from fluorinated gases, as they are active contributors to global warming. In fact, you might consider fitting insulation systems and improving the material coating the structure of your building to reduce energy consumption derived from air conditioning requirements.
- Use products and raw materials originating from recycled materials, as obtaining them requires less energy.
- Re-use paper; use paper more than once wherever possible. Did you know that Spain is 24th in the world paper consumption rankings, with an average annual consumption of 170kg per inhabitant? A far cry from the 300kg consumed by citizens of Belgium, Luxemburg or the US.
- Hold more video conferences or online meetings, and by saving on transport you will reduce your CO2 emission, as well as cutting costs and optimizing time.
- Work with local providers; the impact on the climate made by local production is at least five times less than when relocated. Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but you will also help benefit the local economy.
- Promote efficient driving courses for your employees, as this will enable you to use less fuel and reduce CO2 emissions by 15%.
- Encourage the use of bicycles, and even add a parking area for them. The fact is that 50% of in-town car journeys are less than two miles, and that only takes 10 minutes by bike.
- Otherwise, optimize transport routes for employees, making the most of shared cars or buses. We can always use public transport or go by foot, so promote that!
- Optimize the logistics system, as use of GPS can enable you to find better and more efficient routes.
- Make up for your carbon footprint by making voluntary contributions to projects and events, and keep on raising awareness among your employees, clients and contacts.
If you have any new ideas for the fight against climate change, put them forward and commit yourself on the official project website.
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