Nowadays, it is a well-known fact that there is an abundance of blogs on almost any topic in the world, and the field of finance and economics is no exception to this. Whether you’re a fan of all things financial, or new to the world of global economics…we’ve rounded up a list of high quality blogs, in no particular order, which are practical, insightful and often entertaining.
Check out these 9 finance and economics blogs
- Econbrowser This blog was started by University of California economist James Hamilton in 2005. It discusses the economy in a straightforward style, offering detailed but understandable explanations to macroeconomic topics.
- Kedrosky Paul Kedrosky, whose blog accumulates finance and technology, founded one of the first hosted blogging services, GrokSoup, and also founded the technology equity research practice at HSBC James Capel.
- Walletpop With such an abundance of consumer advice, WalletPop, has quickly become one of the world’s most popular personal-finance sites.
- The Wealth Report 2017 gathers the latest intelligence and detailed insights to provide a global perspective on wealth and investment opportunities and strategies.
- The Big Picture Professional money manager Barry Ritholtz designed this blog for anyone interested in investing, markets and the economy, whist also incorporating some behavioral analysis and digital media.
- Freakonomics This blog comes a result of a groundbreaking collaboration between economist Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, who together explore economic and social issues which are often difficult to quantify.
- Curious Cat Investing and Economics Blog Targeting a wide audience, the curious cat aims to help readers become knowledgeable about the economy through posts which are both informative and entertaining.
- Free Exchange is an economics blog built on posts written by The Economist’s leading reporters. Popular topics include global economics and public policy, and it also features a weekly 10 minute podcast.
- Cash Money Life is a personal finance blog filled with daily tips, tutorials, and reviews to help readers deal with debt, earn more and improve their careers and financial situations.
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