“The claim that “everything is bigger in Texas” will likely gain further credence later this year, when the speed limit on a stretch of toll road between Austin and San Antonio hits 85 miles per hour — the highest limit in the country” NBC News
Central Texas is about to get a significant upgrade of its transportation system. With the opening of two new segments in the SH 130 toll road, this 41-mile stretch of highway is about to become the fastest in the U.S. This new infrastructure was built by Ferrovial Agroman and will be managed by Cintra.
To find out more about this new infrastructure, check out this fun advertising campaign, titled “Can you love a road?”. Also, don’t miss our blog post on the new toll road’s aesthetics.
Make sure to check out the new toll road’s website, as well as its Facebook and Twitter accounts. And remember: roadmance is in the air.
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