In 2012, we launched Zuritanken, an innovation-centric initiative where employees contribute new ideas aimed at improving the way Ferrovial operates.Below we highlight two of the finalists in the Toll Road challenge.
Zuritankener Federico Gredilla’s idea focused on positioning Cintra as a provider of safety. This idea, which is currently being implemented, uses a number of approaches to achieve a closer relationship with government agencies in charge of safety, other institutions and users with a view to improving Cintra’s brand image and positioning it as a safety provider.
Zuritankeners Manuel Rocha and Antonio Ferreira proposed a project using GSM technology for automatic toll payment, which is being rolled out at present. GSM had never been used for this purpose before. Toll payments via mobile phone localisation will make the process faster for users. As 92% of the population has a mobile phone, this service will reduce spending on road services and can also be expanded to include other applications such as restaurants, car parks and service stations.
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