"My Intelligent Infrastructure": announcing the winner of our photo contest
08 of August of 2013
Eight weeks ago, coinciding with a photo exhibition where a renowned artist depicted sixty of our most relevant infrastructures, we opened our first photo contest (“my intelligent infrastructure” #infraintel) with the broad proposition that whoever was interested in participating could share original photographs of any infrastructure they understood makes our life better. The channels available for participation were Twitter and Instagram.
I must admit that participation has exceeded our expectations. More than 400 photographs have been tagged for the contest, which we have collected on a Pinterest board about the contest # Infraintel. The jury’s job has been so hard that the chosen finalists have reached a tie that forced us to increase the number of awarded finalists from three to five, two more than our original plan.
This is the winner photo. His author Javier Barrenechea will receive a Samsung Galaxy EK-GC100 camera. Congratulations to Javier!
The other finalists will receive a copy of the book that inspired our photo exhibition (“Ferrovial en la mirada de José Manuel Ballester”). These are their photos :

Puente sobre el Danubio (Bridge over Danube)
In each one of them the jury members found elements that reflect the spirit proposed in the contest rules.
Congratulations to winner and finalists, and thank you very much to all participants and to all those who have helped us spreading the word.
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