Fernando Valladares: “Climate change has an irreversible component and a component which we can influence”
06 of June of 2016
If you had the chance to talk to a real scientist, what would you ask? Climate change; the melting of the poles; now it’s hot, now it’s cold; what would happen if there were no bees on the Planet… We all have loads of questions about what’s going on with the environment and the world as a whole, but we don’t always have the chance to talk to an expert on the subject, who can explain in simple terms all the environmental changes we are experiencing. And so journalist Juan Luis Cano has created a new section in his M80 radio programme, Ya Veremos [We’ll see]. In this new section Verde y con Asas [It’s green and has handles] Cano, together with comedians Miguel Lago and Coria Castillo, ask Fernando Valladares, professor and researcher at Spain’s National Research Council (CSIC), to explain to us in simple language these nagging questions we all have.
Things you should know about climate change
Climate Change
Is there no turning back on climate change? Is it too late, or can we still do something about it?
The interglacial period
Lately we’re seeing that the weather is less predictable. It used to feel colder in winter, now it feels warmer. That’s because we are in an interglacial period.
Milankovitch Cycles
Did you know that changes in the sun have an impact on the climate? The sun is one of the factors affecting the Earth’s temperature, and changes in the sun mean that the distribution of solar energy differs between the seasons and in each hemisphere. And so we have summer and winter, and glacial and interglacial periods. These are known as the Milankovitch Cycles.
The dynamic of chaos
The dynamics of chaos? Don’t panic! Expert Fernando Valladares will explain what it all means.
Murphy’s Law and the environment
Find out what climate change and Murphy’s Law have in common.
Though often contested, there are two benefits of recycling. Our expert [Fernando Valladares] explains what they are.
Do you have more questions about climate change?
Listen to the full programme Verde y con Asas here. If you have any questions, send them to Ferrovial’s Twitter profile, with the hashtag #VerdeYconAsas.
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