For Ferrovial, maintaining high standards of occupational safety in its activity is a priority goal in each of its businesses. On April 28 the World Day for Health and Safety at Work is going to be celebrated and Ferrovial would like to commemorate this date in order to value the live and strategic engagement with the company and its employees, to develop and implement policies for continuous improvement in health and safety, and reduce risks inherent to the activities performed.
A guaranteed commitment
Ferrovial has Management Systems designed to meet international legal requirements adapted to the different activities taking place in each business. Through these systems, preventing and minimising occupational risks can be identified by the company.
In this vein, some of the most relevant data on various actions undertaken in the last year have been collected. In total, there have been:
- More than 4,900 studies conducted on safety, hygiene and ergonomics.
- Over 1,000 emergency plans devised or in which it has participated.
- More than 687,000 hours of training given to employees and contractors.
- More than 30,000 medical examinations conducted, appropriate to the risks of the job being performed.
It is noteworthy that the control exercised by Ferrovial over contractors is at the same level as that implemented for its own employees and centres. Thus, Ferrovial informs and trains employees of contractors about the risks on health and safety, as well as on prevention measures to be used, requiring the same level of provision as for its own employees. Meanwhile, the contractor must report the accident ratios so they can be published in the Ferrovial Annual Report.
Also during the past year, the company has received several awards endorsing the company’s approach and commitment to occupational health and safety. Among other distinctions, Steel Ingeniería, the Ferrovial Services subsidiary in Chile, has been recognised by Codelco Andina Division and Ferrovial Agroman has been awarded by The Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents in the UK with the Gold Award 2014 and has received 10 awards from the British Council and the Considerate Contructors Scheme initiative. Furthermore, the Al Ghubrach IDAM in Oman, developed by Cadagua, has reached two million hours worked without accidents, a fact that has been repeated in turn in the Batinha project, executed in northern Oman by Ferrovial Agroman.
Ferrovial will keep the prevention of occupational risks as a priority in its Business Policy, rigorously applying preventive management in all its activities from the planning, organisation and coordination of them, as well as its supervision by preventive safety observations, risk analysis and inspection reports.
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