I’d like to start off with the following question: who do you think the supply chain depends on?
I’m sure you all thought about people. It’s true that planes, ships, trucks, warehouses, and everything related to logistics couldn’t function without the people behind them.
Now, working from home is on everyone’s mind, but as for the supply chain, its primary characteristic is that it is impossible to carry out remotely. As such, our sincere gratitude goes out to everyone who is a part of the logistics chain and is ensuring that supplies not only reach those who need them most but also to everyone who is staying at home to help stop the spread of the virus. #StayHome – together, nothing is impossible!
Right now, logistics must be as flexible and effective as possible, so it must be organized and able to take on the necessary support capabilities more effectively and efficiently in these times of crisis.
Within logistics functions, we can identify the following:
Each of the six categories above corresponds to a link in the logistics chain. Keeping them together is essential to prevent the chain from breaking.
Right now, we surely have in mind countless examples of individual or collective participation through these links in the chain. The most significant may be the “construction” of the hospital at IFEMA. This involved record planning and logistics since, in just three days, the hospital was put into operation with 3,000 beds, thanks to the phenomenal work of 300 people. The goal of obtaining the highest ratio of sick patients to nurses has also been met.
Unfortunately, IFEMA already has experience in logistics during times of crisis, including the 2004 train bombings and Spanair Flight 5022, and, more recently, at the time of the Climate Summit.
In these instances, things were done right both in time and method, along with a commitment to quality and consideration of the end-users.
In this case, personnel logistics has been fundamental, as methods and processes have been used to meet needs, contributing to the betterment and support of the staff’s well-being by optimizing the necessary resources.
The hospital’s landmark construction in 48 hours means having proper sourcing logistics, thus meeting the needs for storage, distribution, and delivery of all the classes and subclasses of resources that are necessary. That is, it is based on the supply of goods or products put into circulation.
To prevent any breaks the supply chain, it is necessary to establish a level of cohesion and coordination between the different points that make up the chain or put another way, between the different phases in the process of suppliers selling products and their distribution to the end customer.
In short, flexibility in the supply chain is vital, as is developing risk mitigation strategies; these strategies become a competitive edge that allows the transformation of an unexpected event into an opportunity for success.
For preserving the supply chain or anything else in these times of crisis, transportation logistics is critical. Coordinating all kinds of modes of transportation is necessary, given the immense amount of material to be moved all around the planet and in the shortest time possible.
As for the IFEMA hospital, the logistics of infrastructure and construction has also been crucial. Through the different operations, methods, and processes, the facilities, empty pavilions, were transformed into a field hospital fully stocked with equipment (beds, electrical outlets, air intakes, oxygen intakes…). This was all possible through the work of a group of professionals, including colleagues from Ferrovial who organized and offered solutions to this problem in record time.
This infrastructure must be maintained, hence the importance of maintenance logistics needed to conserve the material, facilities, and equipment in utmost technical conditions for their use or to restore them to working order through corrective and preventive maintenance as they break down. This is where our colleagues at Ferrovial Services play a fundamental part, as they are responsible for maintaining and cleaning the facilities needed at these delicate times.
And of course, every hospital needs significant health logistics, which are responsible for providing proper care for the sick through doctors and auxiliary staff in speedy recovery – both physical and mental.
We can count ambulance drivers among this group. They have a very important job in these times of crisis, and Ferrovial is with them, too.
As shown, logistics is based not only on transporting goods; it also involves other necessary, fundamental aspects, and more where possible, in these difficult times. But thanks to everyone’s involvement, we’ll get through it because together, nothing is impossible.
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