Three weeks into the new year- it’s time to look back on 2015 with a bit of perspective. What better time than now for a #throwback to the past year. Today we look back and review the best articles from 2015 on Ferrovial Blog. During the past year we told you how you could build the Death Star from Star Wars; we also filled you in on our open innovation projects and the startups that we collaborate with as well as the new technologies that we are using. We have given you an insight into the different areas that we work in through both words and images. We have even given you advice on how you can improve your job search and how to keep safe when you’re travelling abroad.
If you missed out on any of these posts or you want to read them again, here are the top 14 articles of 2015 from our blog
1. With the release of the new Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, we wondered how would you go about building the Death Star? Read the full article – Engineering fiction – How would you build the Death Star?
2. March 22nd is World Water Day and Cristina Moral, manager of Corporate Social Responsibility at Ferrovial explains in the next post that although water is the most abundant resource on the planet, only 3% is fresh water. And of this, only 1% is available to drink. Click here and find out how many litres of water does a person need per day?
3. Miguel Juanicotena from the Talent Development Human Resources Department offers his advice on what you can do to improve your profile on the professional social network LinkedIn. Upgrade your account with his 10 tips to maximize your LinkedIn profile’s potential.
4. Many sectors are using drone technology to help enhance work processes. The engineer Antonio Garcia Gomez tells us how to use drones for surveying in construction projects. Find out about how drone technology is revolutionizing conventional surveying.
5. Instagram is the ideal channel for showing the most impressive and fascinating company images so wanted to share the best Instagram photos on Ferrovial Blog. Click here to see Ferrovial’s 10 best Instagram photos.
6. The 5 year old daughter of Paco Hevia, the author of the following article defined the circular economy as “You take rubbish and turn it into money.” In this article, the father explains in more detail about this new innovative concept. Learn more about ‘The circular economy: the value of waste.’
7. With the recent COP21 in Paris, everyone is becoming more aware about climate change so we recommended 10 blogs on the environment and sustainability. Find out the 10 blogs on environment and sustainability that you must follow.
8. “Millennials” is probably one of the most commonly heard words of the last year and all organizations have made great efforts to define this audience and learn how to approach them. Not only this but companies also want to attract these talented young millennials because of the value that they add to a company. Find out about ‘Aligning with Millennials to generate value.’
9. The Building Information Modeling method or BIM is a trend that enables us to manage the lifecycle of the design, construction and maintenance of a work. Jose Sarria explains in the article how to work with this method in a project as complex as the Biodome Granada; ‘The implementation of Building Information Modeling in the construction of the BIODOME in Granada.’
10.During 2015 we gave you tips that you can put into practice at home or in your office and here’s one of them: are you sick of looking at dull, white, uninspiring walls? Bring a bit of colour to your life, go green! Here’s ‘How to convert an empty wall into a vertical garden.’
11. Engineer Belen Marcos, our expert on highways, explains how she has used technological innovation on the North Tarrant Express highway project in Dallas, Texas. Read the post ‘NTE, a cutting-edge toll road.’
12. Once again the integration of new technologies is the protagonist of a project and Project Manager, Laura Tordera, tells us how wearable “Smart Glasses” are revolutionising construction.
13. We interviewed Jose Luis Leirós, CEO of startup Apparcar who in collaboration with the City of Madrid and Ferrovial has launched the urban innovation project Madrid Smart Parking. Find out all about ‘Madrid Smart Parking: Symbiosis between a large-scale company and a startup, the key to getting our solutions out on the market.’
14. The Director of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation, Jordi Folgado Ferrer, explains that there are many ways to live life but the most reassuring is when you spend your time working for a better world. He shares with us some of the projects that the NGO has carried out in India. Read the article, ‘Non conformism as a way of life.’
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